What Is Sales ?

Sales is the effective transfer of information. Let that sink in for a bit. The person that most effectively
transfers the information over to the client will be the best salesperson. Now that is far easier said than
done, Why? Because many things need to come together in complete synergy for that transfer to take
place effectively.

To name a few, you need to provide the proper introduction and first impression to get the attention.
You need to build rapport through various techniques so the conversation flows. There must be
mutual respect and sharing of ideas. A great contrast of listening, understanding and engaging must
be achieved through use of empathy, situational and reasoning comprehension. An understanding of
verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. Together with many more techniques coupled with
a pitch delivery that’s fully retained by the client in all its glory. These points are covered in my book.

Think about sales as effective communication. You have a product or service that fills a need. You then
need to get that message across to your target audience. The brand that does it best has the most sales.
Communication is far more than just words in fact communication is 55% body language, 38% tonality
and 7% words. Your breathing, posture, gestures, facial expressions and blinking make up 55% of the
received message by your client face to face. And 38% would be your tone, tempo, quality and volume.
And only 7% of the message perceived is the actual words. Then there is still much more to consider,
how do you keep the client concentrated on your message, how do you position your message and how
simple, relevant yet effective can you keep it so the shock or power points get retained.

Knowing that your cerebral cortex is responsible for your cognitive functions like perceiving, thinking
and understanding language, and It uses your senses to make sense of it all. Most of your cerebral
cortex is devoted to sight and far less devoted to touch and hearing, it makes us think twice about
how we should communicate rather then just throwing words around hoping to close deals.

The ability to teach is the ability to sell. The stronger the communicator, the stronger the teacher.

We all had teachers growing up, where learning was fun, we understood the teachings and we retained
the information and aced the tests. We had teachers that didn’t teach well, the class average scores
were low. Presenting a product is very similar, we require the clients full understanding of the pitch for
them to make an informed decision. If the information is not effectively transferred, then the client can’t
make an informed decision.

If two coaches where required to teach junior football teams of 8-year-old boys that have never before
played football. Regardless of natural talent in the teams, the coach with the best communications skills
will have the winning team in this regard. He will be able to teach the rules, techniques and strategies
required to all the different types of individuals in the team, he will amend his approach each time to
suit the ideal learning circumstances required per child to get the best results. He will see each
child’s doubts and fears, each child’s strengths and weaknesses and provide solutions to each one to
help them unlock their true potential. It’s that effective reading verbal and nonverbal communication
and transferring information back that gets the best results. Sales is exactly the same in this regard.

We deal with different individuals and we need to respond differently, we can’t use the same approach
with everyone. We need to be in touch with our sensory acuity, the ability to use our senses to make
accurate observations about our clients and ourselves to respond in the most effective manner.

Sales is merely transferring information, once mastered the rest is up to your client. Once you’ve
done the elusive perfect sale, the rest is out of your control. You can’t put a gun to your client’s head,
well I suppose you can but that will be your last sale, lol. So, we must take action to ensure we did
everything within our control. Truth be told that will be more than enough to drastically increase
your sales.

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